How to “Lighten Your Load”

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In today’s world, many of us lead very busy lives, and there are many self help books out there to help people find ways to cope. However, it is nice to find one that gives concise advice on ways to make your life less stressful, healthy and even lighten your footprint on the planet.

Karen Kiser’s new book, “Lighten Your Load” gives precise and helpful information. The book is divided into eight chapters and has “35 surprisingly simple ways to free yourself from stress, toxins, and clutter”.

There are chapters like lightening your cellular, physical, and stress load, as well as your load on the planet.
When the author was asked what inspired her to the write the book, she answered,
“I’ve worked with hundreds of women over the years, and I’ve done a lot of listening. What comes up over and over is stress. We’re overworked or overscheduled. We may exercise and eat pretty well, yet still have several pounds that won’t budge. We’re tired. We often don’t sleep well. Something about our lives feels “off”. I know all about stress. I used to work 70+ hours a week. I used to think the formula for success and happiness was to just work harder and get more done”.

“However, I don’t do that anymore. I lightened my load. I now teach others to do the same. For the last three years I’ve created group programs to help my Pilates clients detox, declutter and de-stress their lives. I wrote the book to be able to help even more people lighten their load and live lives of joy, radiant health and sustainability, for themselves and for the planet”.
When asked which chapter a “newbie” might start with, she replied,

“For best results, I recommend people read through the entire book first, since the strategies in each chapter build on each other. Then feel free to go back and put into action whichever strategies resonate the most”.
One of the chapters that I found most helpful was the one on lightening your cellular load because it reinforced practices I already do which are drink plenty of water throughout the day, start your day with water and lemon [I also add a few drops of cider vinegar], do a cleanse every month or two, dry brush your body, sweat to allow toxins out, open your windows to let fresh air in, breathe deeply and of course, move your body or exercise.

I actually don’t cleanse, but I do drink veggie smoothies and instead of dry brushing daily, I use a salt scrub once a week because exfoliation is important.

Finally, for Kiser, the main takeaway of the book is to make just a few simple changes, do them consistently over time, and you will find they can have a massive impact on your health and happiness. She says not to be fooled by ‘simple’ because sometimes it’s the simple things that can really transform your life in a positive way.
Her book is available on Amazon in paperback and kindle editions, and on her website.
There’s also a free gift on her website, called “The 5 Hidden Causes of Nearly Everything That’s Not Working in Your Life…and What To Do About Them.”

Acerca de Mimi Pollack

Miriam [Mimi] Pollack was born in Chicago, but moved to Mexico City when she was five years old. She lived and worked in Mexico for over 20 years. She currently resides in San Diego and worked as an ESL instructor at Grossmont College and San Diego Community College Continuing Education until June 2018. She writes for various local publications.

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