Seis opiniones a favor y en contra del acuerdo de Irán

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A Favor:

Discovering the Real Iran — Not Netanyahu’s Caricature

Trita Parsi

Benjamin Netanyahu likes to depict Iran simplistically, as an enemy state void of nuance, Trita Parsi writes. But nuance is precisely what the Forward’s reporting from Iran has laid bare.

5 Most Common Misconceptions About Iran

William Beeman

Many Americans think that Iran is backward, oppressive, anti-Israel, pro-terrorism and unvisitable. William Beeman asks: Do those assumptions reflect the majority of the Iranian people?

A Jewish Journalist’s Exclusive Look Inside Iran

Larry Cohler-Esses

Larry Cohler-Esses scored a coup with his reporting trip to Iran. David Harris congratulates him on the groundbreaking piece — and for resisting the temptation to jump to far-reaching conclusions about the future of the Islamic Republic.


En Contra:

Longing for the Day When My Wife Can Return to Iran

Jonathan Greenblatt

Jonathan Greenblatt read Larry Cohler-Esses’ Iranian report through the eyes of an Anti-Defamation League director — and the eyes of a man whose wife comes from Tehran.

Don’t Buy the Story Iran’s Government Is Selling You

Gina Nahai

Is the Iranian government serving up half-truths to visiting foreign journalists? Gina Nahai warns that the more things seem to change, the more the mullahs stay the same.

Invaluable Journalism — With Limits

David Harris

Larry Cohler-Esses scored a coup with his reporting trip to Iran. David Harris congratulates him on the groundbreaking piece — and for resisting the temptation to jump to far-reaching conclusions about the future of the Islamic Republic.

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