This is how Israel will deal with the mass infection of the Corona virus

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The National Emergency Authority states that in the case of a mass infection with the Corona virus, all 60s and older in Israel will have to stay in solitary confinement, the news here reported 11.

This is one of the scenarios developed by the National Emergency Authority to which the situation in Israel and the ways of dealing with it may deteriorate.

In a scenario in which thousands of people are infected with the virus, hundreds are hospitalized and a few dozen die, the National Emergency Authority stipulates an isolation obligation for all 60s and older Israelis. In addition, the Authority states that the import of goods and raw materials from the world should be reduced and that congregations should be reduced, including the activities of educational institutions. The Authority estimates that in such a situation, at least 10% of workers in the economy will be absent from their jobs.

Another scenario takes into account a situation where some 40,000 Israelis will be infected with the Corona virus, about 7,500 people will be hospitalized and about 1,500 will die as a result. In such a situation the steps will be more drastic. Traffic restrictions will be imposed in selected areas of the country and citizens will be required to stay in their homes. Schools will also close and the state will reduce the use of public transport. About a quarter of the workers will not be able to get to work places and goods from the world will not be allowed to enter Israel.

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