LAJSA announces book award for best book in Latin American Jewish Studies

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Submissions due by January 20, 2013

The award will be conferred at the XVI LAJSA International Research Conference (Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies, UT Austin, June 9-11, 2013) on an outstanding book (research monograph or edited volume) on a Latin American Jewish topic in the social sciences or humanities published in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

Books will be judged on the quality of the research, analysis, and writing, and the significance of their contribution to Latin American Jewish studies. Only current LAJSA members may have their books considered for this award.

For the 2013 Award, only books published from 2010 onward will be considered.

Apart from the Award, an honorable mention will be given to two other books. The authors of the winning books will have to be present at the conference in order to receive their certificates and awards. The award will be conferred at the LAJSA conference at University of Texas at Austin, 9-11 June, 2013.

Authors and publishers interested in submitting their books for the LAJSA Award should send one copy directly to each member of the Award Committee (Catherine Caulfield, Uri Rosenheck and John Tofik Karam) by 20 January, 2013, at the expense of the authors or publishers. The addresses of the judges appear below.

David Sheinin is coordinating the award competition. Please address any questions or concerns to him at [email protected].

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