Cadena y la Comunidad Judía de México apoyando a Kenia

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CADENA: Tikun Olam en Acción

Estamos acudiendo al llamado urgente internacional de ayudar a Kenia. Cadena saldrá a ayudar mano a mano a 24 mil personas en el cuerno de África.

Entra al link que aparece a continuación y apoyamos.

¡Se parte de nuestra Cadena!

Ayuda a nuestros hermanos a luchar contra la hambruna y la sequía.

CADENA: Tikkun Olam in Action

CADENA International is an international non-profit organization providing humanitarian aid in emergencies and natural disasters around the world in the spirit of ‘Tikkun Olam’ – repairing the world.

Over the past 10 years, CADENA volunteers have been in the forefront of disaster relief, and are recognized for their organizing and helping people in more than 160 humanitarian missions on behalf of Israel and Jewish communities world-over.

By helping the people of Turkana, Kenya obtain the bare necessities – water, food and shelter – we can improve their condition until they can get back up on their feet and demonstrate the value of ‘Tikkun Olam” through action, not just words.

But to accomplish this, we need your help.

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