Wizo San Diego presenta: “El Último Judío Sefaradí” (en Inglés)

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The Last Sephardic Jew

A cinematic celebration of the rich history, culture and identity of Sephardic Jewry, exploring its historical roots all over the world.

Leaving Spain in the 15th century, the Sephardim settled in many different lands until many finally made their way to North America beginning 350 years ago, in 1654.

The Last Sephardic Jew follows the post-Inquisition wanderings of Spanish Jewry, bringing to light the hidden traces of Jewish life in such far-flung destinations as Thessaloniki, Istanbul, Serbia, Curacao and Toledo, the spiritual capital of Biblical “Sepharad.”

In this moving film a young Sephardic Rabbi, Eliezer Papo, takes a trip into the past, journeying all the way back to medieval Spain in search of answers to the puzzle

of why the flourishing Jews of that country were forced to convert or flee.

We will travel with Rabbi Eliezer Papo and Rabbi Arnold Kopikis, as they followed the paths of the Jews who left Spain in 1492.

Part 1 Thursday Nov. 8 7:30 p.m.

Rabbi A. Kopikis: exploring the origins and scope of Sephardic Jewry and it’s precious heritage.
Screening: The last Sephardic Jew –1st. part

Part 2 Thursday Nov. 15 – 7:30 p.m.

Rabbi A. Kopikis: Opening remarks.
Screening of final segment, followed by

Elisheva Edelson: Sepharad’s soul IN LIVE CONCERT

Venue: Ohr Shalom Synagogue- 2512 Third Avenue, San Diego, CA 92103
For information and tickets call (619) 279-4781

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