New York is For All of Us: Pre-Passover Community Gathering and Social Action

New York is For All of Us: Pre-Passover Community Gathering and Social Action
Monday, March 22, 7:30 PM –
 9 PM

Passover is a time of renewal: that precious moment where we stand on the threshold between bondage and liberation. Come celebrate the family, cultural, and New York connections that have sustained us through this pandemic year like no other, and take action to ensure a liberated future for all New Yorkers. We will enjoy live musical performances, share our family and communal stories of resilience and joy, and have an opportunity to learn about and take action to support New York workers who have been excluded from COVID benefits. The program is entirely virtual. All are welcome.

Co-hosted by the New York City Commission on Human Rights
and the Workers Circle.

El evento está terminado.

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