Participe en el Seider mundial este miércoles 31 a las 12:00 PM (NY) – es gratis-

Wednesday, March 31 at Noon EST

Join us for JDC’s virtual Passover event, celebrating a year of hope and impact in Ukraine, Poland, Israel, and beyond.

This program is free of charge and open to all


Together let’s turn the pages of our year and tell the Haggadah — the story — of how we collectively save Jewish lives and build Jewish life around the globe.

Join JDC for inspiring stories and the opportunity to learn how we’ve adapted and evolved to bring light into a year of darkness. Let’s look ahead with optimism — together.

In preparation for Passover and our communal celebration, please click on the Matzah box for your gift of Passover materials created by JDC Entwine, JDC’s young adult initiative – the JDC Entwine ReOrdered Global Passover Toolkit.


El evento está terminado.

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