yiddishclub kafrissen sq 2

YIVO Yiddish Club: Rokhl Kafrissen & Contemporary Yiddish Culture

Nu, vilst redn a bisele yidish? A new event for Yiddish enthusiasts the world over, the YIVO Yiddish club is an informal monthly gathering to celebrate mame-loshn. Hosted by Shane Baker, sessions will take place in English, though will be liberally peppered with Yiddish. Each month Baker will be joined by a different guest who will discuss their work and a related Yiddish cultural theme. In the spirit of a club, sessions will be held as interactive zoom meetings in which participants can see and hear one another. Each session will include ample time for audience questions, group discussion, and, time permitting, knock-down, drag-out arguments. Attendees need not know any Yiddish to attend, though some familiarity with the language is highly recommended.

This session features playwright and Tablet Magazine columist Rokhl Kafrissen for a discussion of contemporary Yiddish culture.

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Mar 14 2021


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Hora local

  • Zona horaria: America/New_York
  • Fecha: Mar 14 2021
  • Hora: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

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