Confrontación en el Partido Demócrata por Israel (en Inglés)

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Washington, D.C. (September 7, 2012) — The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) today announced the release of a new print ad, entitled “Rift,” which points to the deep split among rank and file Democrats when it comes to supporting Israel. This rift is a sad example of how much the party has changed over the years.

The ad reads, in part: “At the Democratic Party convention in Charlotte, NC, it’s become painfully clear that this Party is no longer the Democratic Party of our parents’ generation. This week has witnessed a shocking series of events. These regrettable incidents reveal a Party that has wandered far from its origins.”

The ad will run next week in 11 Jewish newspapers as full-page ads in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Nevada.

RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said, “Important pro-Israel language was stripped from the Democrats’ platform this year, including lines recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and calling Israel America’s ‘strongest ally’. When they tried to reinstate the language on Jerusalem, the convention chairman couldn’t get a clear two-thirds vote and just declared the language added – receiving loud boos from the convention floor.

He continued, “This is a sad display by the Democratic Party and is an indication of how much the Democratic Party has changed in recent years. It was chilling to watch; who could have imagined the day when supporting Jerusalem would be resoundingly booed at a Democratic convention?”

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