INTERPOL issue code red for FARC member linked to ETA

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International police agency INTERPOL has issued a “code red”, its highest level of alert, for the arrest of Víctor Ramón Vargas Salazar, a,member of the FARC who is wanted by the Spanish High Court because of his links with ETA.

On their website, INTERPOL lists Vargas Salazar, a 36-year-old Colombian, as wanted for acts for terrorism, and states that the court which issued the arrest warrant which underlies the latest “code red” was ‘Nº 6 at the Spanish High Court’.

In a 2010 indictment, Spanish Judge Eloy Velasco indicted six ETA members, most exiled in Latin America, and seven members of Colombian rebel group FARC on charges that included plotting to assassinate former Colombian Presidents Andres Pastrana and Alvaro Uribe.

On Monday he indicted three Basques including Venezuelan resident Arturo Cubillas, on charges of terrorism for suspected roles in organizing collaboration between the armed Basque group and FARC rebels.

Lopez and Carrera Sarobe, allegedly former top ETA chiefs, have been in jail in France since their arrests in 2008 and 2010, respectively.

Cubillas is a longtime resident of Venezuela and currently holds a job in President Hugo Chavez’s government.

Spain last year asked for his extradition but Venezuela has refused to hand him over.

Interpol’s “code red” alert is a system designed to aid countries ordering an arrest to be able to identify and locate a wanted criminal anywhere in the world via a notification issued to all international police forces with a view to carrying out an arrest and extradition.

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