Judge revokes decision on closure of Venezuelan newspaper “6to Poder”

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Caracas Ninth Trial Control Court, presided over by Judge Denisse Bocanegra, resolved to reverse a decision to ban the publication and distribution of Venezuelan weekly newspaper 6to Poder, attorney Pedro Aranguren reported.

“Journalists and people who respect freedom of expression in Venezuela are pleased to learn that the Caracas Ninth Trial Control Court Judge just notified the reversal of the order to close 6to Poder,” said the attorney of the weekly newspaper.

Aranguren explained that the journalists working in the media will be responsible for the next editions.

“The political persecution” against Leocenis García, the president of the newspaper, and his family continues, he commented. “This is a mistake that is costing a lot to the government… A wise man changes his mind, a fool never,” he said.

Source: ElUniversal.com

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