Venezuelan authorities bluntly reject sanctions against Iran

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The Venezuelan government expressed on Thursday its “blank refusal” to a resolution from the UN Security Council on new political and economic sanctions against Iran, one day after Venezuela’s President Hugo Chávez asked for “respect” for his allied nation.

The UN Security Council “lashes out again at the dignity” of Iran, by imposing sanctions on “the fellow Iranian people and their brave government” in a decision which “disregards the efforts made by goodwill countries to reach together with Tehran an unprecedented agreement in the field of nuclear cooperation,” stated the government in a press release.

They added that the “incredible decision came few days after the State of Israel unleashed a massacre in international waters, and the Security Council was unable to condemn the attacking country.”

In this way, the communiqué added, the UN Security Council “made it clear that it lacks the ethical legitimacy and representation requisite and necessary to ensure true peace and justice in the world.”

The Venezuelan government also upheld its “unrestricted support to the legitimate expectations” of Iran concerning the use of nuclear power “for peaceful purposes.”


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