Warning about setback in democracy and human rights in Venezuela

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NGO Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) reported on a backlash in Venezuela’s governance. “Alarming laws approved by the outgoing National Assembly (Enabling Law, Law on Defense of Political Sovereignty and National Self-Determination, among others) violate the country’s own obligations to advocate democracy and human rights.”

In a press release, the NGO urged the civil society and governments to answer to “concerning laws” recently approved in Venezuela, “so that they protect themselves and join human rights advocates, (back) freedom of expression and pluralist democratic practices in the country.”

They recommended the civil society to keep on working with the Venezuelan government, but at the same time, “clearly state that moving farther from fundamental democratic precepts have consequences for the country’s position in the hemispheric community of democracies.”

Fuente: ElUniversal.com

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