Worldwide March Against Hugo Chavez

- - Visto 1923 veces



The whole world is tired of Hugo Chávez.


We are tired of Hugo Chavez insulting us, Latin America and the World, trying to impose through LIES, INTIMIDATION and POOR EDUCATION his ANACHRONSTIC and DELIRIOUS revolution upon us.

We are tired of seeing so much hypocrisy in Chávez, who on the one hand talks about INTERVENTIONISM and on the other is the most INTERVENING president ever. We are tired of him playing with the economical fate of millions of people with his every mood swing.
We are tired of his obscenity, his bad words and insanity. No More Chávez!

We are tired of seeing how no one in political power, can look Chavez in the face and say: “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”
Given the facts, on FRIDAY SEPTEMBER the 4th, the people will say to Chávez, “Enough is enough!” We will all go out, thousands of us, in a peaceful march to cry out with one voice that we are TIRED OF CHAVEZ, that we do not want his lies anymore, his aggression and bad words, crazy acts nor insults. CHAVEZ, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

Let´s distribute this message to all contacts, we are going to work non-stop because this is an historical moment, and history will forever thank us!


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