This Thursday at 7! Whitechapel Noise––London Yiddish music! Note new topic!

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unnamed 1 3together with the Workmen’s Circle presents
Vivi Lachs
author of
Whitechapel Noise:
Jewish Immigrant Life in Yiddish Song and Verse, London 1884-1914

Historical satire from the Yiddish press, rarely read today in Yiddish courses, is a treasure trove. It uncovers crevices of history, giving us particular insight into the detail of issues discussed in immigrant society. This talk will strip away the layers of a variety of funny and edgy poems and songs to uncover the detail of vital and angry debate in London’s East End. Debates concerning wider-than-local issues of power in the community, “shund” and the Yiddish theater, and increasing secularization. You’ll never sing “Ale Brider” the same way again!

Join us on Thursday, October 18 at 7:00 PM for a variety of funny and edgy poems and songs from London’s 19th and 20th century East End Yiddish Theater. Led by renowned historian, Yiddishist, and performer Vivi Lachs in Yiddish and English.

All levels of Yiddish speakers are welcome.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
The Workmen’s Circle
247 West 37th Street (Between 7th & 8th Avenue)
New York, NY 10018
$10 (free for Workmen’s Circle members)

Please RSVP via the Workmen’s Circle site.

Copies of Vivi’s exciting new book can be purchased via Amazon for retail, or directly from Vivi at this event for cash only at more than 25% off for $25.

Historical satire from the Yiddish press, rarely read today in Yiddish courses, is a treasure trove. It uncovers crevices of history, giving us particular insight into the detail of issues discussed in immigrant society. This talk will strip away the layers of a variety of funny and edgy poems and songs to uncover the detail of vital and angry debate in London’s East End. Debates concerning wider-than-local issues of power in the community, “shund” and the Yiddish theater, and increasing secularization. You’ll never sing “Ale Brider” the same way again!

Join us on Thursday, October 18 at 7:00 PM for a variety of funny and edgy poems and songs from London’s 19th and 20th century East End Yiddish Theater. Led by renowned historian, Yiddishist, and performer Vivi Lachs in Yiddish and English.

All levels of Yiddish speakers are welcome.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
The Workmen’s Circle
247 West 37th Street (Between 7th & 8th Avenue)
New York, NY 10018
$10 (free for Workmen’s Circle members)

Please RSVP via the Workmen’s Circle site.

Copies of Vivi’s exciting new book can be purchased via Amazon for retail, or directly from Vivi at this event for cash only at more than 25% off for $25.

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