“Am Israel Jai”, la canción del movimiento de liberación de los judíos rusos

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An amazing song by R’ Shlomo Carlbach ZTz”L, with a powerful message by the chief rabbi of England Sir Jonathan Sacks.

Chief Rabbi of England Sir Jonathan Sacks relates the following story about this song, “Am Yisrael Chai”, by the late Rabbi Shlomo Carlbach:

The BBC runs a program about the lives of famous contemporary individuals and asks them, “If you were stranded on an island, what eight pieces of music would you like to have with you?”

Rabbi Sacks selected this piece as one of his eight songs. So moved was R’ Carlbach that he immediately sought to thank R’ Sacks. R’ Sacks said, “The angels with flaming swords guarding Gan Eden have nothing on my beloved staff, who block both friend and foe.”

In desperation, R’ Carlbach came one day to the shul where R’ Sacks was dovening shacharit. Yet R’ Sacks was too busy for even a moment with him. R’ Carlbach passed away; R’ Sacks had never made time for him. Now R’ Sacks sings this song everywhere he does as a tribute to this precious tzadik he was too busy to see.

Each of us has chances and choices in life; opportunities which, if missed, we may never get again.

Am Yisrael Chai!

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