Daybrake mosque aflame

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• A village mosque near the West Bank city of Hebron was torched yesterday by what are suspected to be radical Israeli settlers. Defense Minister Barak has labeled whoever the perpetrators were “terrorists.” [NYT ]

• Today, Prime Minister Netanyahu will try to convince his cabinet to back an extra 60-day construction freeze. [Haaretz ]

• But the move is placing Netanyahu’s coalition in jeopardy. [JPost ]

• Oktoberfest in the West Bank. [LAT ]

• Yesterday, the first Monday of October, everyone was checking out the new kid on the Court. [NYT ]

• Philip Roth’s annual novel comes out today, to this lukewarm review. [NYT ]

Tablet Magazine’s third team, the New England Patriots, dominated the Miami Dolphins in the second half last night with touchdowns on offense, defense, and special teams, winning 41-14.

Source:Tablet Magazine

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