Interesante documental que ya puede Usted adquirir en línea (en Inglés)

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David Fisher decidió tomar a sus hermanos e ir todos juntos, tras la muerte de su padre en Israel a Austria donde él estuvo en los campos de trabajo de Gusen y Gunskirchen.

El film además de presentar una visión poco conocida de la actitud austriaca hacia lo que en ese país sucedió durante la guerra y hasta la fecha donde la población trata de ocultar el pasado nazi a toda costa al grado de evitar la preservacion histórica de los tristemente famosos túneles de Gusen.


An eloquent, intense and (at moments) even humorous portrait of documentary filmmaker David Fisher and his siblings as they follow in the footsteps of their late father—a Hungarian Holocaust survivor who was interned in Gusen and Gunskirchen, Austria. After reading their father’s diary, found only after his death, the three brothers and sister embark on a journey from Israel to Austria that is both literal and psychological. The film features captivating encounters with American WWII veterans who participated in the liberation of the Gunskirken camp, as well as interviews with local Austrian historians who are trying to get the Bergkristall (tunnels of Gusen) opened to the public.

Illuminated only by flashlights in the tunnels where their father endured force labor, the four Fisher siblings seek meaning in their personal and family histories. Ultimately, through the craft of Fisher’s storytelling, they become emblematic of the entire second generation who are still grappling with the experience of their survivor parents.

Israel, Germany, Austria, 2011, 93 minutes on Digibeta or DVD, 97 minutes on DCP

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