Language as a communicative action analyzed from the ethical-philosophical proposal of PhD. Cooke, Director of the School of Philosophy of the University College Dublin, routes the moral compass of thinking about thinking from a communicative public reason towards the north of political-social negotiation. Thus, her examination starts from a critical hermeneutics that lies between an impulse that combines an authoritarian character and an idea of transcendental validity within contexts that constitute the critical-social theory of a dialogical reason for meaning.
Because currently, from the lens of a cosmopolitan ethic developed within a world globalized by ICT Information and Communication Technologies, this approach is not exposed apart from critical-social theories that must be faced with the challenge of how to justify those complex thoughts, who seek to lay the foundations for a good society following Rousseau, but in the Internet age.
Every democratic society has been linguistically mediated as a result of the contrasts and historical, political, economic, scientific and technological references of producing a world. All this in search of a better quality of life as part of human development, both of language and of philosophical institutions, by reinterpreting the pre-established social contract beyond the fragility of the good.
By virtue of what has been pointed out in this century governed by the Artificial Intelligence of quantum mechanics as a result of the leaps made by post-Newtonian physics, we must reconfigure the guides that constitute critical-reflexive and deliberative analyzes following Habermas, but beyond a specific socio-cultural space and a specific historical period in accordance with the approaches of Professor Cooke.
In this way, we can transfer the linguistic turn of the Western philosophical approach to a context of negotiation within virtual spaces, by taking Artificial Intelligence from a critique of pure reason to a critique of practical reason in harmony with the ICT. Thus we show how critical social thought is not individualistic in the sense of a human atomism of ethical value, but rather can be understood in intersubjective terms.
Cyber-theory that combines the various seeds of human thought, although now in virtual space, would then be transformed. The expressed, making the being there in the world prioritize individual well-being as opposed to the collective in the sense of emphasizing their original needs, but without neglecting their obligations with the social conglomerate, as this is the expression of a ethical responsibility of freedom and the new technological reason, synonymous with modernity in an era where the exercise of the algorithm prevails.
Consequently, we see from the approaches of a public reason analyzed by Professor Cooke how we will achieve jointly and separately, assume the fact that the time of human activity is not cyclical, but rather progressive and in the meantime go beyond judgments of value by recognizing that the order of political authority is not divine, but rather obeys a natural and necessary path as an expression of cooperation and mutual benefit between people.
It is important to highlight, as the Irish philosopher tells us, that the areas of science, art, politics, law and morality are not governed by authorized standards or independent of history and above all of socio-cultural contexts per se. Said affirmation in the sense that any human knowledge is in fact debatable, as it is open to being revised and reconfigured for good reasons of a critical, reflective and deliberative nature that base it from other perspectives and life experiences, enriching the continuous doing and not doing, make of humanity itself.
For this reason, despite the differences that characterize us and make us unique and unrepeatable, we cannot forget that as people and subjects of rights and duties, we are equal in relation to the capacity and exercise of reason. Broadly speaking, because this is developed through the freedom to appropriate a moral judgment as a normative assumption, although not without first considering the key elements of the evolutionary horizon of modernity.
Marisol Chevez Hidalgo
Master in Ethics and Democracy
University of Valencia, Spain.
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