Yiddish, teatro y cine en el curso de verano en Bruselas, (En Inglés)

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Yiddish on the Continent

July 17th – July 28th 2017

The Institute of Jewish Studies
(Free University of Brussels – Belgium)

The summer programme offers students intensive language courses catering to elementary, intermediate and advanced levels. Language classes are predominantly conducted in Yiddish. The morning classes are complemented with a broad range of language enrichment activities including :

–  Singing workshop with Shura Lipovsky

–  Theater workshop with Tal Hever-Chybowski

–  Lectures on specialised subjects

–  Yiddish film

–  Visits to Jewish sites (museum, synagogues, monuments).

Our teaching staff includes professors from Belgium, France and England :

Helen BEER – University College, London – University of London

Yitskhok NIBORSKI – Paris Yiddish Centre – Paris.

Sonia DRATWA-PINKUSOWITZ – Institut d’Etudes du Judaïsme – ULB – Brussels.

Annick PRIME-MARGULES – Paris Yiddish Centre – Paris.

The cost for the two-week programme is 480 euros (or 350 euros for full-time university students).
As places are limited, only applications with full payment will ensure participation in the programme.

Applications must be received no later than June 15th, 2017 and sent to the following address :

Institut d’Etudes du Judaïsme, Séminaire Yiddish, 17 Av. F. Roosevelt, B-1050 Bruxelles

By e-mail : [email protected]

Payments should be made to the following bank account :

Bank ING : 310-1518513-64

Code IBAN : BE29 3101 5185 1364


Accommodation : A list of hotels/aparthotels will be sent on request. You will be able to make your choice and reservation personally.

For further information, please contact :

Institut d’Etudes du Judaïsme – ULB
Séminaire Yiddish, 17 Av. F. Roosevelt, B- 1050 Bruxelles
Tel: 00 32 2 650 33 48 – Fax: 00 32 2 650 33 47
e-mail: [email protected]

Website click here , facebook click here



Please attach a photocopy of your ID Card or Passport
Please include a brief description of your previous exposure to Yiddish on a separate page.

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