“Mirele Efros” is now being presented for the first time anywhere in the world in English translation

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The Yiddish theater classic, Mirele Efros, which Haaretz calls “unquestionably the representative play of Yiddish Theater” is now being presented for the first time anywhere in the world in English translation, as The Jewish Queen Lear.

Produced by Theater J, performances take place in the Gonda Theater of Georgetown University’s Davis Performing Arts Center. The theater is a block (about 100 yards) from the main entrance of Georgetown University, at 37th and O Street NW. There are both matinee and evening performances through April 7.

Mirele Efros is an 1898 Yiddish play by Jacob Gordin. While much of Yiddish theater was low-grade melodrama, Mirele Efros was part of a movement by Gordin and other writers to bring serious drama to the Yiddish stage.

From the review on DC Metro Theater Arts:

“The Jewish Queen Lear takes on issues of pride and jealousy, family power struggles…”

From the review in the Washington Post:

“A towering figure in Yiddish theater, the Russian-born Gordin (1853-1909) immigrated in 1891 to the United States. He set out to improve the quality of Yiddish theater, writing substantive plays whose aesthetics evoked writers like Henrik Ibsen.”

Google has more to tell you: search on “Mirele Efros” or The “Jewish Queen Lear”

For information on prices, schedule, and to buy tickets, go to https://theaterj.org/ or call Theater J at 202-777-3210, 1-4pm Monday to Friday.

Note, and heed, the recommendation to take a taxi or ride share to 37th and O. From the gate, walk into the campus directly ahead, going west, to the theater.

Parking is difficult in the area. There are university garages, up the hill off Canal Road NW and near the hospital off Reservoir Road, but neither is located near the theater.

Walking directions from the Canal Road garage and more information is at https://theaterj.org/getting-here/

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