History of Islam in Peru

Muslims came to Peru with the coming of the Spaniards. Many Muslims, then called “Moros”, or Moors by the Spaniards, arrived fleeing persecution in Spain. They settled in many places …

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¡Hola Islam!

Salwa (née Silvia) Del Carmen has been asked a lot of silly questions since becoming a Muslim at the age of 15, but she insists that there are few contradiction …

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¡Hola Islam!

Salwa (née Silvia) Del Carmen has been asked a lot of silly questions since becoming a Muslim at the age of 15, but she insists that there are few contradiction …

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From Mexico to Mecca

When the doorbell rings, Daniel Denton rises from the couch. “Ah, Martin!” he says, opening the door a crack. “Babe, Martin is here,” he shouts to his wife, who rushes …

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