Fiddler, in Yiddish! On Broadway!

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Brand new choral arrangements
of songs from

Fiddler on the Roof

will be performed
in Yiddish! 
On Broadway!
Sunday, June 5, 2016, 4:30 PM
Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway, New York City
as part of the concert
To Life, To Laugh, L’chaim!
A Centennial Celebration in Song of 
the great author
Sholem Aleichem
Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus
Conductor Binyumen Schaechter
Click here for tickets:
conciertoYidThe concert will be in Yiddish
English translations provided
The concert will also include
“Baby, It’s Cold Outside” in Yiddish
A World Premiere 
of a musical setting of
Sholem Aleichem’s Epitaph
“Shalom Aleichem” [the song] in Yiddish
a medley of some of Sholem Aleichem’s favorite songs
in brand new choral arrangements
For a full listing of the songs in the concert, write to
Featured soloists:
Cantor Joshua Breitzer & Donna Breitzer
Cantor Joel Caplan
Temma Schaechter (of Di Shekhter-tekhter)
Tickets: $40, $25
Groups of 15 or more: $30, $20
Students: $15 at the Box Office with ID
Box Office Hours: Tues – Sun 1pm – 6pm EST
Also open two hours prior to performances and events.
Call: 212-864-5400
Tickets can also be ordered on line:
For info about the JPPC and their concerts
and to get a sample from YouTube videos of their previous concerts
click here:

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