Harold Kushner Discusses His New Book on January 27th

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Flash Sale – 2 for 1 Ticket Offer
(Sale ends Sunday, January 17 – Not valid on previous purchases)


Harold Kushner
The Nine Essential Things I’ve Learned About Life
With his bestselling book, When Bad Things Happen to Good People, Rabbi Harold Kushner has helped millions of people from all generations and all corners of the earth cope with loss and times of sorrow. Now he shows us how he himself learned to embrace life to its absolute fullest, and imparts that wisdom – fueled by his half-century as a Rabbi, his personal experiences, and his singular take on Scripture – to us. Don’t miss this opportunity to be inspired by a true legend!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
David & Dorothea Garfield Theatre

Price: $20; JCC Member Price: $16
For tickets: JCC Box Office 858-362-1348 or tickets.lfjcc.org
Purchase Tickets
Box Office: 858-362-1348

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