Libro: “Latin America in the Post-Chávez Era: The Security Threat to the United States”, de nuestro colaborador Luis Fleischman

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Hugo Chávez passed away in March 2013 after a two-year battle with cancer, prompting much speculation about the impact of his death. What will a post-Chávez future look like, not only in Venezuela but also in the region? In Latin America in the Post-Chávez Era, Luis Fleischman examines Chávez’s highly controversial Bolivarian revolution, which has expanded beyond Venezuela to other countries in South America and whose sphere of influence also extends to Central America and the Caribbean. In this context, the author systematically shows how an emerging authoritarianism in the region plays an important role in defining the geo-political context of the region.

Across Latin America, Chávez had financially supported political candidates or presidents in office dedicated to producing dramatic socialist change, cementing authoritarianism, and reducing American influence in the region. Meanwhile, China’s influence has been increasing and may evolve beyond an economic presence into a more political role. It is in this volatile context that Chávez’s destabilizing activities—including cooperation with regional as well Islamist terrorist organizations, drug cartels, and rogue states, particularly Cuba and Iran—take on ominous proportions.

Fleischman argues that the shape of this post-Chávez world is one that Americans should watch with grave concern while taking appropriate measures to counteract Chávez’s legacy.

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Invitation to Book Launch and Presentation:

The Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies In conjunction with The Center for Hemispheric Policy, University of Miami Invite you to a Book Launch and Presentation

“Latin America in the Post-Chávez Era: The Security Threat to the United States”
By Luis Fleischman

INTERVIEWER: Jaime Suchlicki, Director, Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies, and Emilio Bacardi Moreau Distinguished Professor at the University of Miami. He is the editor of “Cuban Affairs,” a quarterly electronic journal published by ICCAS, and the author of Cuba: From Columbus to Castro; Mexico: From Montezuma to the Rise of PAN; and of the recently published Breve Historia de Cuba. Dr. Suchlicki is a highly regarded consultant to the public and private sector in the U.S.

Photo Luis FleischmanAbout the Author

Luis Fleischman is an adjunct professor of sociology and political science at Florida Atlantic University Honors College. He has a PhD in sociology from the New School for Social Research in New York City and has worked as senior adviser for the Menges Hemispheric Security Project at the Center for Security Policy. He is the editor of the Americas Report, where he writes about the Bolivarian revolution, its alliances with Iran and terrorist groups, and the rise of antidemocratic forces in the region. He lives in Jupiter, Florida.

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DATE: Wednesday, May 29, 2013
6:30 p.m. Reception 7:00 p.m. Presentation
WHERE: Casa Bacardi/Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies University of Miami, 1531 Brescia Avenue, Coral Gables
RSVP: The Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies (305) 284-CUBA (2822). Free and open to the public. This is the premier presentation of this important book. Reservations strongly suggested. Space is limited.

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