Ahead of Israel’s 72nd Independence Day, President Rivlin and Foreign Minister Katz hosted a reception for the diplomatic and consular corps in Israel via videoconference

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President Rivlin:

“Although we are apart, we have never needed each other more.”

“We hope that Israel’s technology and innovation, of which we are so proud, can contribute to the global effort to find solutions to make our world safer and healthier.”

Ahead of Israel’s 72nd Independence Day, and as he does every year, President Rivlin and Foreign Minister Katz today, Sunday 26 April / 2 Iyyar hosted a reception for the diplomatic and consular corps in Israel via videoconference. The traditional reception at Beit HaNasi was held this year as a virtual gathering in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Minister of Foreign Affairs Yisrael Katz and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, Ambassador Hennadii Nadolenko of Ukraine, also spoke at the reception.

“This year, we celebrate seventy-two years of the independence of the State of Israel in very different times. We are all facing a global challenge, the coronavirus that makes no distinction between nations, races or religions. It has claimed many lives and many people are suffering. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those, all around the world, who have lost loved ones, and those who are ill,” said the president at the beginning of his remarks.

“Overcoming this global challenge demands global cooperation and unity,” he added. “Although we are apart, we have never needed each other more. It demands sharing experience and know-how. We hope that Israel’s technology and innovation, of which we are so proud, can contribute to the global effort to find solutions to make our world safer and healthier.”

The president also stressed the challenge of the fight against antisemitism, racism and discrimination, everywhere and in any form, saying it will continue and grow stronger.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Yisrael Katz thanked the president and the diplomats, saying “I know that being away from your homes and families at this time is not easy, but I am sure that together we will come out of this difficult period even stronger and more united than in the past. Next year in Jerusalem.”

Dean of the Diplomatic Corps Ambassador Hennadii Nadolenko of Ukraine thanked the president on behalf of the diplomats and said, “On this day we not only mark the rebirth of the Jewish national state, we also honor the achievements of Israel that brought worldwide admiration. It is not a secret that many of us views Israel as a modern, innovative economy and a prosperous country.”

 Photo credit: Mark Neyman (GPO)

Acerca de Silvia Golan

Periodista, Productora e influencer. Es miembro de la Oficina de Prensa del Gobierno de Israel y de la Asociación de Periodistas de Tel-Aviv .Políglota fluente en seis idiomas, Durante los últimos 28 años, Silvia ha estado involucrada con la comunidad diplomática y periodística no solo en Israel sino en todo el mundo. Es la representante en Israel del DiarioJudio.com, cristianotas.com, medicinotas.com  y de Sergio Barbosa de Colombia  con su famoso programa ” Yo soy Presentador ” y sus programas de Modas y  Lifestyle. Lleva mas de 35 años brindando información en castellano, hebreo e inglés. En castellano a la comunidad Sudamericana por distintos medios periodísticos y de New Media y apoyando a cientos de científicos, artistas, productores etc. especialmente sudamericanos, a dar a conocer públicamente su obra, guiándolos en su camino. Colabora como periodista voluntariamente con varias instituciones como Yad be Yad – para niños desamparados, Asociación de lucha contra el Cáncer, Hospitales, etc. Ha ganado el premio Producto del Año 2015 a la información, en Israel y tiene premios internacionales de Periodismo. Más de 25 años lleva promocionando el Tango (Argentino -Uruguayo) en Israel, siendo considerada la vocero del Tango en Israel. (Entre otras cosas organizó la parte artística del 87 cumpleaños del Presidente Shimon Peres con Tango y otros bailes sudamericanos). Silvia estudió Sociología en la UBA y realizó cursos de Relaciones Publicas, Publicidad y New Media. Y esta continuamente actualizándose. Facebook Castellano: Melody Israel Facebook Hebreo: Silvia G. Golan Facebook Inglés: Israel Diplo Facebook Grupos: Grupos Silvia Te Cuenta y Argentine Tango in Israel Instagram silviagolan

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