Familia musulmana cuelga bandera israelí en señal de apoyo.

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A Muslim family in South Florida is showing solidarity with Israel by hanging an Israeli flag in their store window, NBC Miami reported on Friday.

“The Muslim people want peace and unfortunately, the only country in the Middle East that wants peace is Israel, and that’s the reason why I want to hang the Israeli flag and support them,” said Duran Agba, who runs a tailor shop with his family in the predominately Jewish neighborhood of Surfside.

Agba said his family’s sympathy with Israeli terror victims stems from the fact that his home country, Turkey, has also been plagued with the threat of terrorism. He said his family identifies with anybody under attack. “Let’s say the Palestinians wanted to have peace in their homeland and the Israelis were attacking them the whole time,” he posited. “I would hang the Palestinian flag.”

The Agbas received the Israeli flag from a local Australian-Jewish clothing designer who is distributing thousands of the banners, according to NBC Miami. Joseph Waks, who started a campaign to hang 1,000 Israeli flags at homes across South Florida, said the Agba family’s store is the only non-Jewish shop “in the entire 33154 area code” to display one in its window.

“It’s heart-warming to say the least,” Waks said.

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