Indigenous organizations denounce illegal gold miners’ crimes since 2009

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Fourteen indigenous organizations issued a statement where they communicate that since 2009 they have been reporting to the Venezuelan authorities the presence of illegal Brazilian gold miners in the Alto Ocamo area (Amazonas state, Alto Orinoco municipality, on the southern Venezuelan border with Brazil), and that these illegal gold miners allegedly massacred a Yanomami community in July 2012.

According to the statement, unauthorized Brazilian gold miners had committed “physical violence, abuses against women, and mercury pollution in water, which has caused the death of several Yanomani indigenous people.” They added that the authorities “had not implemented effective measures” to evict Brazilian gold miners out of the area.

Regional Organization of Amazonian Indigenous People, United Piaroa of Sipapo Indigenous Organization, Yekuana Organization of Alto Ventuari, Indigenous Organization Jivi Kalievirrinae, Yanomami Organization, among other indigenous organizations signed the statement.

Three alleged survivors stated that the massacre apparently had taken place in the Irotatheri Yanomami community in Amazonas state, which had been attacked with firearms and explosives, resulting in an “unspecified number of fatalities” in an 80 indigenous people community.

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