Spain trusts in Venezuela in the case of presumed ETA member

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The Spanish government claimed on Tuesday to trust in a reply from Venezuela concerning the potential extradition of a public servant of the administration of Venezuela’s President Hugo Chávez and alleged ETA member Arturo Cubillas.

“On behalf of the Spanish government, extradition of Cubillas has been requested, and now the Venezuelan government should issue an opinion, bearing in mind that Cubillas is both a Spanish and Venezuelan citizen,” Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs Trinidad Jiménez said.

“We await a reply from Venezuela and in the meantime, our stance will be one of trusting in any answer,” she added.

The Spanish Executive Office filed last week a request for extradition of Cubillas. The accused is being investigated at the Spanish National High Court for his ties with Basque separatist organization ETA and his involvement in a partnership entered into by ETA and the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC).

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