A los 20 años ya era una salvaje guardia en Auschwitz y hoy vive tranquila en Alemania

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This grainy photograph shows the female  Auschwitz death-camp guard who is set to stand trial on charges of aiding in  mass murder.

The woman, who is now 90 years old and has  been identified only as Gisela S, worked at the camp under her maiden name  Demming.

If convicted, she will be among a handful of  the 3,700 women employed to oversee female prisoners to face justice.

Gisela S. is the second person within a week  judged to be fit to answer charges relating to their roles in  the camp in  occupied Poland where some 1.1million people, mostly Jews,  were  killed.

The other  is Oskar Groening, 92, who was in  charge of sending back the possessions and money of the doomed to his SS masters  in Berlin.

Gisela S is now living in a home near  Hamburg, and has been described as a  fanatical Nazi supporter who early on in  the Nazi regime joined the BDM, the League of German Maidens, before entering  the SS in 1940.

The Federal Archive in Berlin threw up her SS  identity card for war crimes  investigators. It shows a cold, hard-faced woman  who worked in Auschwitz in 1944 under her maiden name of Demming.

It is claimed at Asuchwitz she was a  harsh  disciplinarian who beat prisoners and who was often in charge of  the standing  cells – small, dark rooms where up to 15 people at a time  were crammed in for  minor rule infractions. It was not uncommon to leave people in these rooms for  days on end, causing the death of some or all of those confined.

She formed a romantic relationship  with SS  doctor Franz Bernhard Lucas, but dropped him when he railed  against the hideous  experiments on prisoners carried out by notorious  ‘Angel of Death’ Dr Josef  Mengele on inmates.

She appeared at the Auschwitz Trial of former  guards and overseers in Frankfurt in the 1960s but escaped jail.

The conviction of Sobibor death camp guard  John Demjanjuk in 2011, who was  tried in Munich on charges of assisting in the  murders of 28,060 Dutch  Jews, means that prosecutors no longer need expert  witness testimony  about what individuals did in death camps, proving that they  were there  is now enough to bring about charges of complicity in mass  murder.

Nana Frombach, a spokeswoman for the  public  prosecutor’s office in Hamburg, confirmed the investigation which should lead to  charges later this year.

A lawyer paid for by the German taxpayer has  been assigned to her.

Gisela S is one of 30 former Auschwitz  personnel still living in Germany now under the microscope of war crime hunters.  Six are women.

The most notorious guard was Irma Ida Grese,  employed at the Nazi concentration camps of Ravensbrück and Auschwitz, and was a  warden of the women’s section of Bergen-Belsen.

Grese was convicted for crimes against  humanity at the Belsen Trial and sentenced to death aged 22.

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