Walmart y Sears venden poster motivacional con imágenes de Auschwitz

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A decorative poster that would supposedly “make a great addition to your home or office” according to its online listing was quickly pulled from sale by Walmart and other retailers over the weekend after customers pointed out that it featured the front gate of a Nazi concentration camp. Walmart says the poster, featuring the main gate of the Dachau camp with the slogan “Arbeit Macht Frei”—”Work Makes You Free”—was being sold online by one of its third-party sellers. It was “horrified to see that this item was on our site,” the company said in a statement, per ABC News.

“We have shared our disappointment with them and have learned they are removing the publisher of this item entirely from inventory,” Walmart said, though the name of the seller was not disclosed. Sears and Amazon also removed the poster from sale. One Sears customer was shocked to see that a list of “similar products” to the concentration camp poster included double wall ovens, Digiday finds. How Sears explained that one: “Those are special sale items that currently appear on millions of product pages. While clearly unintentional, we sincerely apologize for the proximity of the positioning.”

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