Charlie Brown on Antisemitism

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Mr. Charles Schultz (Sparky) , the creator of the Peanuts cartoons, recieved a letter from a Jewish school teacher named Harriet Glickman. Glickman‘s letter expressed her profound sadness about Martin Luther King’s assassination. She went on to suggest to Schultz that in an effort to heal society, he add a black friend to be part of the Peanuts gang. In July 1968, Franklin Armstrong (the black member of the Peanut gang) became friends with Charlie Brown.

Of course, Glickman was not the only Jew who loved Rev. King.

1947 Hank Greenberg a Jewish slugger had been subjected to antisemitic insults throughout his career. He played in a game with first base Jackie Robinson. After a conversation during the game, Greenberg gave Robinson encouragment to continue his great career. They became friends. I quote Robinson “Class tells…. it sticks out all over Mr. Greenberg”.

Today, we are grateful as well for people like Karim Abdul Jabbar for his concern as well as the support and recognition he has demonstrated for the Jewish people.

We also are thankful to others like CBS who fired Nick Cannon after his anti-Semitic remarks. In addition, we appreciate Zack Banner from the Pittsburg Steelers for his message of unity between societies.Shanon Sharpe Banner found it important to disagree with an antissemite like DeSean Jackson, an antisemite, supported by Stephen Jackson..Julian Edelman who invited DeSean Jackson to visit the Holocaust museum Latest Viacom CBS fired Nick Cannon for his antisemitism.
This is not the only contribution by the Jewish people to the Black communities (and to other societies around the world). In fact, over 400 Jewish organizations and synagogues were among the first to support the BLM demonstrators.

Moreover, it is very disturbing to learn that the BLM is accepting the antisemites and pro-Palestinians who have joined their movement.

Plenty of work to stop anti-Semitism still lies ahead. This is especially true when comedians like Chelsea Handler uses her platform to reach thousands, if not millions of people by supporting the most vile of antisemites,Farrakhan.

Most importantly, YouTube removed the insulting antisemite Farrakhan along with the speech he gave on the 4th of July.

To make matters worse, celebrities like Aniston, Pheiffer, and Garner actually liked Handler’s post. Others supporting this horrid antisemite include Eminem, Snoop Dog, Ice Cube , Jay Z , and even Obama who takes pictures with him.

Jewish organizations should seriously start addressing antisemitim. Self hating Jews who join antisemtic events like JVP, J Street, Peace Now etc. should be exposed for what they are.

Acerca de Pablo Nankin, MD

Born on September 4, 1944 and raised in Mexico City, Mexico. Private Practice begun in Vascular Surgery in 1972. In 1994, as of March 1, 2004 I retired from my practice. My office location remains at: 1125 South Beverly Drive, Suite 611, Los Angeles, CA 90035. September 20-23, 2000 and September 17-18, 1998: Private tutorial sessions on Sclerotherapy with Doctor Frederic Vin, Chief of the Department of Angiology at Hospital Notre Dame de Bon Secours in Paris, France as well as at his private offices in Paris. Emphasis being on the long saphenous veins at the saphenous/femoral junction and on the short saphenous vein at the popliteal/saphenous junction. September 16,1998: Training in Phlebectomy at the Clinique Mursat in Paris, France under the tutelage of Doctor Jean-Francois Uhl, Associate Professor of Surgery at Ancien Interne des Hopitaux de Paris in Paris, France, November 7-9, 1997: Attended the 11th Annual Congress of the North American Society of Phlebology in Palm Springs, California. November 10-11, 1996; January 14,15, 1997; February 19,1997; April 1-2, 1997: Preceptorship dedicated to the treatment of veins with John J. Bergan, M.D., Professor of Surgery Loma Linda University Medical Center in La Jolla, California. September 22, 24-26,1997: Personal tutorial on Sclerotherapy with Doctor Frederic Vin, Chief of the Department of Angiology at Hospital Notre Dame de Bon Secours Paris, France as well as at his private offices in Paris, France. Emphasis on the long saphenous veins at the saphenous / femoral junction and the short saphenous vein at the popliteal/saphenous junction. February 20,1997: Personal tutorial on Sclerotherapy and Varicose Vein problems with Helaine S. Fronek, M.D. Instructor in Medicine, University of California, San Diego and Director, Varicose Vein Clinic. March 4 & 28, April 4 & 14, 1997: Personal tutorial on Sclerotherapy and Varicose Vein problems with David Duffy, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) in Torrance, CA September 23,1997: Notre Dame de Bon Secours Hospital, Paris, France: Insertion of “V” clip into the saphenous/femoral junction for valvular insufficiency with Doctor Jean-Francois Van Cleef. Television Appearances: January 21, 1999: Channel 52 KVEA, Telemundo Topic: Sclerotherapy and Varicose Vein Surgery January 1985: Channel 34 KMEX, Univision Topic: Varicose Veins July 1985: Channel 34 KMEX, Univision Topic: Varicose Veins

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