Crece la industria de los cruceros maritales en Israel debido a la cada vez mayor represión ortodoxa, (En Inglés)

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Eight years ago I got married in the little town of Wagoner, Oklahoma. It was my first time in the US. My wife Katie and I were living in Israel at the time, young and in love, and were ready to tie the knot. There was one problem – I am Jewish and she isn’t. In Israel a Jew can only get married through the Orthodox Rabbinate, and we weren’t exactly a kosher couple. So we had a wedding party in Jerusalem, and did the paperwork in the US. That’s how a young Israeli Jew like me found himself in a court house in Wagoner, Oklahoma. It was an unusual scene. Even the judge was a bit puzzled when I showed him my passport. Nevertheless, he signed the papers, and Katie and I returned to Israel as Mr. and Mrs.

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