Empresario Holandes investiga las acciones de su familia durante la guerra y afirma que fueron vergonzosas (En Inglés)

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A Dutch textile magnate who initiated a probe into his family’s exploitation of Jewish competitors and laborers during the Holocaust said he was shocked by the findings.

Dutch entrepreneur Maurice Brenninkmeijer, from one of Europe’s richest families, has become the latest business leader to confront his family’s Nazi-era history.  In an interview with Zeit newspaper, published July 13, Brenninkmeijer – owner of the Dutch-German C&A chain of department stores, which Forbes magazine recently called “one of the most secretive companies in the world” – said revelations about the company’s Nazi-era use of slave labor and its profiting from the forced sale of Jewish property were “disturbing and shocking” for his family.

Read more: http://forward.com/news/breaking-news/345919/dutch-businessman-initiated-probe-into-his-family-s-nazi-era-history/?

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