Chairman of Yad Vashem, Dani Dayan, delivered this speech on the floor of the Lithuanian Parliament

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I am over the moon. The last decade of my life has just been validated.

Chairman of Yad Vashem, Dani Dayan, delivered this speech on the floor of the Lithuanian Parliament today:

I am in tears and am so grateful that I have lived to see this. Dayan mentions Noreika, Skirpa and Krikstaponis by name. Loudly and clearly. And loudly and clearly, our small team of fearsome truth tellers has broken through the wall of fraud.

The Lithuanian Prime Minster and Speaker of the House are in attendance at the speech. They and the Parliament applaud at the end.

Previously, members of the Lithuanian Government called Silvia Foti misguided. They called me an “Enemy of the State” and threatened me with criminal charges for saying exactly what Chairman Dayan said loudly, plainly, and clearly on the floor of their Parliament today.

My grandmother taught me – if you live long enough, you will see everything there is to see. Today, we saw it.

We had no ulterior motives. We had no agenda. There was no possibility of anyone gaining anything. There was only loss and pain and the sense of total injustice that the victims could be so abused and insulted. And today, the Prime Minister of Lithuania applauded as the insult was addressed.

Lithuania has their own path to follow in now admitting their massive Holocaust frauds, court rigging, shameless lies, and intimidations. They will have to undo their frauds and insults as deliberately as they constructed them.

We have been utterly vindicated. We stood up for the victims and we have been heard and validated. We have changed the world and made it a better place. I can now proudly say Kaddish for my Grandfather.

L’Shanah Tovah.

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