“Yankele”, interpretada por Teddy Horowitz

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Esta canción forma parte de un repertorio de 12 canciones tradicionales en Yiddish titulado “Las Canciones De La Bobe”, interpretado por Teddy Horowitz (Argentina, 2005. Musika S.A.), compuesta por Mordechai Gebirtig.


Shlof zhe mir shoyn yankele mayn sheyner,
Di eygelach di shvartzinke mach tsu.
A yingele vos hot shoyn ale tseyndelekh,
Muz nokh di mame zingen: ay lyu lyu

A yingele vos hot shoyn ale tseyndelekh
Un vet mit mazel bald in cheyder geyn
Un lernen vet er, Chumesh un gemore,
Zol veynen ven di mame vigt im ayn?

A yingele vos lernen vet gemore
Ot shteyt der tate, kvelt un hert zikh tsu,
A yingele vos vakst a talmid-chochem,
Lozt gantse nacht der mamen nit tsuru?

A yingele vos vakst a talmid-chochem
Un a geniter soycher oych tsuglaych
A yingele a kluger khosn bokher
Zo lign azoy nas, vi in a taych?

Nu shlof-zhe mir, mayn kluger khosn bokher –
Dervayl ligstu in vigele bay mir,
S’vet kostn fil mi unen mame’s trern,
Bizvanen s’vet a mentsh aroys fun dir!


Go to sleep already,
My beautiful Yankele,
Close your little dark eyes
A little boy who already has all his teeth
Still needs his mother to sing him a lullaby?!

A little boy who already has all his teeth
And with luck, he’ll go to Cheder soon,
He will learn Torah, and Talmud,
Should cry when his mother rocks him to sleep?!

A little who will learn Talmud,
(How delighted your father is
when he listens to you!)
A little boy who is growing up to be a scholar
Doesn’t let his mother rest at night?!

A little boy, who is growing up to be a scholar
And a capable businessman as well,
A little boy, such a clever young groom,
Should like as wet as in a river?!

So go to sleep, my clever young groom,
Meanwhile, you are in your cot
and still with me.

It will cost your mother much hard work
and many tears
Till you become a man.

  • Si Usted desea escuchar este disco en su totalidad en SaveTheMusic.com, oprima aquí.

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