Lista de apellidos y requisitos para calificar para la restitución de la Ciudadanía Portuguesa a Sefaradís

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Esta es la lista oficial de algunos de los apellidos que el Gobierno de Portugal reconocerá para calificar para la restitución de la Ciudadanía Portuguesa a Sefaradís, oprima aquí.


Alteração ao Regulamento da Nacionalidade Portuguesa

Alteração ao Regulamento da Nacionalidade Portuguesa, aprovado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 237-A/2006, de 14 de dezembro, permitindo a concessão da nacionalidade portuguesa, por naturalização, a descendentes de judeus sefarditas.


  • Decreto Lei n.º 30-A/2015 (Português);
  • Perguntas frequentes (PT);
  • Formulário


  • Decreto Lei n.º 30-A/2015 (English);
  • FAQ (EN);
  • Form

Frequently asked questions about the Portuguese nationality

I. Who can request the Portuguese nationality? According to the recent amendment to the Regulation of Portuguese Nationality (Decree-law n.º 30 – A/2015), published in the Official Journal on February 27th 2015, the Portuguese Government may grant Portuguese nationality by naturalization to the descendants of Sephardic Portuguese Jews through the attestation of their links to Sephardic communities of Portuguese origin, namely, surnames, family speaking language and direct or indirect descent. Candidates may also meet the following criteria:

1. Being of majority age or emancipated, under Portuguese law;

2. Having not been convicted, with a sentence transited in rem judicatum, for a crime liable to a prison sentence of three years or more, in accordance with Portuguese law.

II. Which documents are required? In terms of mandatory documents to instruct the request for attribution of the Portuguese nationality, the following documents are necessary:

1. The Application Form to apply for the Portuguese citizenship must be filled out in Portuguese. The following information will be required: full name; place and date of birth; parents; civil status; profession; nationality; the place of the current residence and the one where it has lived previously; Passport, ID or Permission of Residence (number, expiry dates and issuing authorities); evidence of the applicant’s family history of connection to a Sephardic Community of Portuguese origin;
2. The signature should be certified by the consular authorities;
3. Applicant’s birth certificate certified by the Portuguese Consulate of the country of origin of the document in question;
4. Translation into Portuguese of the above mentioned birth certificate certified by the Portuguese Consulate of the country of origin of the document in question;
5. Criminal Record from the applicant’s country of birth and country of which he/she is a citizen, as well as from those countries where the applicant has resided, certified by the Portuguese Consulate of the country of origin of the documents in question;
6. Translation into Portuguese of the above mentioned criminal records certified by the Portuguese Consulate of the country of origin of the document in question;
7. Certificate from a Jewish community with collective religious person status (Lisbon or Oporto), under Portuguese Law, at the date of entry into force of this Article, that certifies the tradition of belonging to a Sephardic community of Portuguese origin, materialised, namely, in the family name of the applicant, native language, ancestry and family memory. In the absence of this Certificate, others means of evidence are admitted (see n.º 5 from Article 24 – A).

III. Where must I deliver my request for the Portuguese nationality?

The Application Form, completed with the necessary documents, may be submitted in person or by mail at the Conservatória dos Registos Centrais (Central Registry Office). If residing in a foreign country, the request may be submitted at the Portuguese consular services of the residence area. The interested party can also appoint an alternative or successive power of attorney to present the request. Naturalization is granted, upon application by the interested party, by decision of the Minister of Justice. If the request is denied, the interested party will be notified of the bases, disposing for the effect of a deadline of 20 days to pronouncing itself. Failure to submit payment and the required documents on time will result in the refusal of applications

IV. How much does it cost?

Description: Acquisition of Portuguese Nationality under article 6º, nº7
Fee: 250,00 €

Payment must be made by check or money order to the Central Registry Office for the exact amount of the bill. The fees must be paid upon submitting the application and will not be refunded if the application is rejected.

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5 comentarios en «Lista de apellidos y requisitos para calificar para la restitución de la Ciudadanía Portuguesa a Sefaradís»
  1. Soy descendiente de judios segarditas que llegaron a Colombia procesentes de Curazao (Moises Henriques Juliao y David Henriques Juliao) quienes llegaron dw Holamda deapuea de haber vivido en Portugal (vivieron en una poblacion llamada Sao Juliao) donde adicionaron el.apellido Juliao al Henriques que venia de España en la diaspora de 1492. Les agradezco su orientacion. Cordialmente,
    Ilsie Juliao

  2. Buenos Diaz,
    Mi nombre es Gustavo Javier Matus.
    Quiciera saber si mi apellido esta en la lista que podria calificar para la restitución de la Ciudadanía Portuguesa ?
    Mis abuelos al llegar a Argentina se llamaban Mattos,y al imigrar a Israel nos cambiaron a Matus.

    Les agradeciria si me podrian contestar por favor.


  3. Hola, mi apellido es Garcés Palacio, deseo saber si aplican en el listado de apellidos para aplicar el formulario por vinculo sefardi. Gracias.


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