Zuckerberg, defendiendo un cambio a las leyes de inmigración, debatirá al cubano-republicano Rubio en Facebook

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Sen. Marco Rubio and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will meet at the social media company’s offices in Menlo Park, Calif. on Wednesday, apparently to discuss the immigration reform bill Rubio helped push through the Senate among other issues.

A source knowledgeable about the meeting told CNN that Zuckerberg invited the Florida Republican to confer while he’s in the San Francisco area for fundraising events.

Zuckerberg has taken a leading role among corporate executives seeking a more open immigration reform measure that would allow them to bring more skilled workers into the country while creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented workers already here.

“There are 11 million undocumented people who came here to work hard and contribute to the country, and I don’t think it’s quite as polarized as people always say,” Zuckerberg told CNN in a recent interview.

“I can’t really tell anyone how to legislate. I mean that’s — everyone understands this stuff way better than I do. My goal in this is just to try to help support folks who care deeply about getting this done, on both sides, and hopefully we can make a difference.”

Rubio has recently gone fairly silent, at least publicly, on the immigration reform issue, as conservatives in his own party have criticized his support of reform that includes a legalization process for undocumented immigrants.

“Politically, it has not been a pleasant experience, to say the least,” he recently admitted to a group of supporters in Panama City, Fla., according to The Associated Press.


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