10 de febrero es el último día para solicitar lugar en el programa de verano del Yiddish book center

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I wanted to be back in touch to remind you that we’re still accepting applications to our 2015-16Fellowship Program. The program offers recent college graduates the opportunity to develop valuable professional skills working as full-time members of the Yiddish Book Center staff. Fellows work on our most important projects: education, oral history, online collections, translation, and bibliographic work with our ever-growing collection of books. Working with mentors on our staff, the Fellows also apply their ingenuity and personal expertise to the creation of new projects.

The yearlong Fellowship Program is open to recent college graduates with intermediate or advanced Yiddish language skills. Each Fellow receives a stipend of $28,000 plus health insurance. The program runs from September 2015 to August 2016.

To learn more and to apply, click here. Applications are due by January 5, 9am EST. Please spread the word about this exciting opportunity.

And for current college students, please keep in mind that applications for the Yiddish Book Center’s Steiner Summer Yiddish Program are due by February 10. The course runs fromJune 7 to July 24, 2015, and offers seven weeks of intensive Yiddish language and culture studies. All accepted students receive free tuition and are eligible for academic credit from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Click here for details and to apply.

We hope you will encourage your friends, family, and students to apply to these exceptional programs.

A sheynem dank! Thank you!

Amy Leos-Urbel

Amy Leos-Urbel
Education Program Manager

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