Por 25va ocasión se llevará a cabo la Conferencia sobre Criptojudíos en Miami, Florida del 19 al 21 de Julio

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July 19-21, 2015
Contact: Corinne Brown 303-753-6353
or Genie Milgrom 786-299-3470

Please join us for the 25th annual conference of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies to be held in Miami, Florida, Sunday, July 19 through Tuesday, July 21, 2015. This is an exciting time for SCJS and it is our Silver Anniversary!


You can register for the 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies, an international academic and cultural secular association devoted to the history of the descendants of Iberian Jews who were persecuted in Spain and Portugal in the Middle Ages through the 18th century. Many of these were converts to Christianity and fled to the New World, settling in Mexico, the Southwest and various parts of North and South America, hiding their Jewish past.

Scholars around the world continue to unearth fascinating documentation on the dispersion of these peoples who, over centuries, assimilated into Catholic communities until their 20th century emergence and return to Judaism.

The 2015 conference will be held Sunday, July 19, through Tuesday, July 21, at a location in the heart of Miami with easy access to transportation and facilities.Opening keynote speaker features the celebrated Ainsley Cohen Henriques, Director/Chairman of the Heritage Center Committee of Jamaica.

The conference will include presentations by members of the regional -Jewish drawing from Florida, Central and South America, Puerto Rico and other diverse communities. The event features arts displays, music performances, and scholarly presentations. A musical program scheduled for Monday evening July 20 will be open to the public; tickets sold at the door. Complete meals and beverage services are included with registration fees, beginning with a Sunday dinner event. Partial registration is available for those who cannot attend all days of the conference.

Prior to the opening of the conference, a SCJS-sponsored Genealogy Workshop will be held on Sunday from 12 to 4 pm. Check the CryptoJews.com website for access to online registration and to sign up for the workshop.

Note: The Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies (SCJS) was founded in 1991 and fosters the research of the historical and contemporary development of Crypto-Jews of Iberian origin. It provides a venue for the descendants of Crypto-Jews, scholars, and other interested parties to network and discuss pertinent issues.

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