Itzik and the Golden Peacock: Celebrating 120 Years of Itzik Manger

A celebration of the famous Yiddish Bard on his 120th Birthday. Though he doesn’t get to see it, you can enjoy an international ensemble of Yiddish performers and experts with readings, talks, music, and a mini song workshop that reveal why Itzik Manger has such an inspirational, enduring legacy. Join Mike BurstynShura LipovskyDr. Helen BeerRuth LevinMendy CahanBinyumen SchaechterSharon BernsteinGitl Schaechter-ViswanathShane BakerMiri Koral, and others for this delightful event. Live via Zoom and Facebook Live:

Sunday, May 30, 2021
11 AM PDT; 3 PM Buenos Aires/Rio; 7 PM London; 20:00 Cape Town/Berlin/Warsaw; 21:00 Tel Aviv; 04:00+1 Melbourne :/

Presented by the Congress for Jewish Culture together with the California Institute for Yiddish Culture and Language, the League for Yiddish, Ot Azoy London, and Yung-Yidish Tel Aviv

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