Emigrantes israelíes se establecen en Nako, India, conocida como “la pequeña Tel Aviv” (en Inglés)

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Up in the state of Himachal Pradash, in the region of Northern India, stands the small, remote village of Nako. Recently, the village has become a popular destination amongst backpackers and travellers searching for adventure – particularly drugs, sex and raves.

It has also, not surprisingly, become quite the fad amongst Israelis, so popular, in fact, that the area is now being referred to as “Little Tel Aviv.”

According to a new report, approximately 70 percent of the foreigners visiting the region are from Israel, and are turning Himachal Pradesh, quite literally, into Jewish settlements. Sources say that the Israeli backpackers travel together, and rarely interact with the natives that live there.

Today, approximately half the populations of Dharamkot village (near Dharamsala), Old Manali, Vashishth, Kasol and Tosh Village are of Israeli descent, as Israelis continue to bring their carefree, laid-back ‘Tel Aviv’ lifestyle to the lands that occupy Northern India.

As a result, Hebrew is becoming the preferred language in these peaceful and picturesque communities (signs in Hebrew have already sprung up all over these areas), which, in the peaceful Kangra and Kullu valleys, are also known as a haven for illicit drugs, karmic cleansing, and consensual sex.

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