Niño israelí de 8 años compra $4,600 dólares de apps en un fin de semana en Israel (en Inglés)

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Israel’s Channel 2 reports that an 8-year-old Israeli boy has charged $4600 worth of in-game purchases from the Apple Store this past weekend to his parents’ iPhone.

That must have been one hell of a weekend.

This is not the first such incident for the family; the boy apparently spent $540 on apps just a few weeks ago, which Apple removed from his parents’ account after their pleas that he did not know entirely what he was doing.

“He didn’t understand that it costs money,” his mother stated. In today’s world of technology, where many apps made for kids involve fake money, diamonds, and jewels, it could obviously be a bit difficult to recognizes the differences between ‘real’ money and the money you win after beating a level in Candy Crush.

After the first incident, the boy’s parents changed their phone passwords to prevent any such occurrences in the future. But the boy, growing up in the golden age of technology, easily figured out what their new passwords were, and when the opportunity presented itself, went on a bit of a downloading spree, the end result costing his parents a whopping $4600.

Apple has apparently told the boy’s parents that this time the sale was final, though they hope that the corporation will eventually refund the charges.

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