Historical Agreement Signed Between KKL-JNF and the State of Israel

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An historic agreement was signed between the state of Israel and Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael – Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF). After months of negotiations, the Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon, KKL-JNF World Chairman Efi Stenzler, acting director of the Israel Land Authority Adiel Shomron, and KKL-JNF CEO Meir Spiegler, signed an agreement which recruits KKL-JNF as a full partner in a vast scope of environmental projects, including the development of infrastructure for construction of housing – at a record sum of about $ 2.2 billion.

The framework of the agreement, which regulates the relationship between the State and KKL-JNF for the first time since 1961, will last until the end of 2021. Under the agreement, KKL-JNF funds which were raised for the purposes of national projects will be transferred to the government by 2017.

KKL-JNF emphasizes that the type of projects and their scope will be agreed upon by the “Committee for National and environmental Initiatives,” administered jointly by the government and by KKL-JNF and will be consistent with the organization’s policies, rules and historical core activity.

KKL-JNF World Chairman, Efi Stenzler stated that this news is a “true social message for the citizens of Israel. KKL-JNF’s enlistment for yet another environmental projects initiative, which amounts to a record sum of about NIS 2.2 billion, will be joining a series of turning points in the fields of community development, agriculture, water and forestry. This may lead to a defining moment in regards to the performance of infrastructure development in the construction field and reduction of housing prices.”

Stenzler who is currently completing his term as KKL-JNF World Chairman added that he is proud of the agreement results that reflect the vision and aspiration of fruitful activity from which the Israeli public can benefit in the present and in future generations.

Stenzler wished to thank the Environmental Protection Minister Avi Gabbay, KKL-JNF CEO Meir Spiegler, and the KKL-JNF Finance Committee Chairman Hernan Felman, who conducted the negotiations in a practical manner and through mutual trust. Stenzler emphasized that this was the right way to ensure a proper and successful conduct.

The new KKL-JNF World Chairman, Danny Atar, was updated about the details of the negotiations and welcomed the agreement.

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