Rep. Ros-Lehtinen rejects cutting democracy funds for Cuba and Venezuela

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US Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Florida), chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, rejected Tuesday budget cuts to programs aimed at promoting democracy in Venezuela and Cuba, which were proposed by the US Department of State.

“The sharp cut in democracy funds for Cuba and Venezuela sends a wrong message to the internal opposition in these countries,” Ros-Lehtinen said during a hearing at the House Foreign Affairs Committee to review the budget of the US Department of State’s Agency for International Development (USAID).

In the US Department of State and US Agency for International Development (USAID), FY2013 budget (October 2012- September 2013), democracy funds to Venezuela will fall from USD 5 million to USD 3 million

Ros-Lehtinen is a fierce critic of the governments of Venezuela and Cuba.


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