Lanzarán una nueva serie de actividades en Yiddish para jóvenes estadounidenses (en Inglés)

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In 2013, The Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, Mass., launched an ambitious  series of cultural programming aimed at providing an opportunity for young Jews  to learn about modern Jewish culture. The weeklong program, “Tent,” brings  together 20 young people aged 21 to 30 in order to intensively study different  facets of modern Jewish culture. Each week is dedicated to a different subject  and the participants attend performances and lectures related to the topic and  meet with experts in their chosen field. At the same time they learn about the  connections between the week’s theme and modern Jewish culture.

In the coming year, The Yiddish Book Center plans to expand Tent to include  10 different programs, with the help of partner organizations around the  country.

The first three Tent programs were about comedy, in March in Los Angeles;  creative writing at the Yiddish Book Center in June, and a week dedicated to  theater in New York in August.

During the program in creative writing participants read selections from  modern Yiddish and Hebrew literature in translation as well as works on Jewish  themes originally written in other languages. After lunch the aspiring writers  workshopped their own stories with professional writers. During the evenings  they went to literary readings or met with literary agents and publishers. And  later at night they hung out together in the dorms at Hampshire College and  quickly became friends.

“Having the participants live communally and work on common projects was  entirely by design,” Josh Lambert, the Yiddish Book Center’s Academic Director,  said in an interview with the Forward. “The most important part of Tent is  getting people together. And spending a whole week together allowed the  participants to form closer relationships with one another. These relationships  remain as viable social-networks after the program ends. You don’t see that when  a program only lasts for one or two days.”

The genesis of Tent comes out of years of discussions between philanthropist  and Birthright co-founder Michael Steinhardt and Aaron Lansky, founder and  president of the Yiddish Book Center. Steinhardt spoke to Lansky about his  desire for the Yiddish Book Center to find a way to approach young unaffiliated  Jews. Lambert suggested creating a program that would connect secular Jewish  culture with the professional interests and ambitions of its young  participants.

“Birthright made many young Jews feel that Judaism was something that was  important to them, that it had a substantial meaning,” Lambert explained. “The  program, of course, is extremely effective. But Birthright did this in a totally  isolated environment, completely detached from the normal lives of its  participants. Tent, in contrast, creates a Jewish experience which is directly  related to what people are already doing in their day to day lives. It creates a  sense of adventure about Jewish culture as well as about what you’re doing in a  normal day. It creates community in a collaborative field and allows people to  see connections between what they’re already doing because of their personal  interests and elements of Jewish culture with which they hadn’t previously been  particularly connected.”

Asked why Tent focuses on contemporary secular Jewish culture in particular,  Lambert explained that the decision made sense because “there are already so  many great opportunities all over the place to become more deeply connected to  the Jewish religion or to get involved with all sorts of Jewish political  groups. But for most Jews the cultural aspects of Judaism are the ones that are  the most accessible to them. And yet at the same time there aren’t enough  programs to meet the demand and those that exist lack strong institutional  support.”

Lambert noted that the three Tent programs the Yiddish Book Center ran in  2013 were very successful. “I was surprised by how greatly the participants were  interested in Jewish topics despite the fact that for most of them their  relationship to Judaism was pretty weak. I’m really pleased that people who  didn’t have a strong Jewish background or much Jewish education could get so  much out of the program.”

The Yiddish Book Center is planning to expand the program in 2014 to include  10 Tent programs all over the country. In order to create more Tent programs the  Yiddish Book Center will franchise the program through other organizations that  will run the programs themselves under the supervision of Lambert and his  colleagues at the Yiddish Book Center. “The idea of having other organizations  run Tent programs was first and foremost a practical decision,” Lambert  explained. “By that I mean that the Yiddish Book Center can’t run ten Tents by  itself and if we did it could take over the whole organization.”

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