Deseando a ti y a tu familia un excelente año nuevo colmado de bendiciones

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May you enjoy your apples and honey

May you find it easy to give and receive

May you know when to surrender, and do so with grace

May you remember that some people’s lives are parched dry… and be grateful for the abundance in yours

May you find beauty in unexpected places.

May you carry your loads with ease amid sweetness

May you learn and teach well.

May you move with as much joy and ease as you can

May your home be filled with fresh air and light

May your tense and angry times be short-lived…

so that you come back quickly to your comfortable ol’ self

May you be startled and delighted by new beginnings

May you find your uniqueness

May you play with friends

and hear beautiful music

May you come to the surface for air when you need it

May you take exquisite care of yourself

And may everything that hurts …also be a little funny

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