Es brent, interpretada por Mordechai Gebirtig

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Es brent, briderlekh, es brent. Undzer orem shtetl, nebekh, brent! Beyze vintn irgazon, Brekhn, brenen un tseblozn, Un ir shteyt un kukt, Azoy zikh, mit farleygte hent. Oy, ir shteyt un kukt Azoy zikh, vi undzer shtetl brent.
Es brent, briderlekh, es brent. Undzer orem shtetl, nebekh, brent! Es hobn shoyn di fayertsungen
Dos gantse shtetl ayngeshlungen.
Alts arum shoyn brent,
Un ir shteyt un kukt
Azoy zikh, vi undzer shtetl brent.
Es brent, briderlekh, es brent!! Di hilf iz nor in aykh gevent, Az dos shtetl iz aykh tayer, Nemt di keylim, lesht dos fayer, Lesht dos fayer mit eygn blut, Shteyt nit brider Ot azoy zikh mit farleygte hent. Shtetyt nit brider Lesht dos fayer, vayl undzer shtetl brent.

The English Lyrics are:

It is burning, brothers, it is burning. Our poor little town, a pity, burns! Furious winds blow, Breaking, burning and scattering, And you stand around With folded arms. O, you stand and look While our town burns.
It is burning, brothers, it is burning Our poor little town, a pity, burns~ The tongues of fire have already Swallowed the entire town. Everything surrounding it is burning, And you stand around While our town burns.
It is burning, brothers, it is burning! You are the only source of help. If you value your town, Take up the tools to put out the fire, Put out the fire with your own blood. Don’t just stand there, brothers, with your arms folded. Don’t just stand there, brothers, Put out the fire, because our town is burning.

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