“Eyn Lakh Mah Lid’og”, interpretada por Uzi Fuchs

- - Visto 475 veces

Esta canción forma parte de un repertorio de 12 canciones titulado “Songs Of The Yom Kippur War” Israel-1973, CBS.


Ein lach mah lid’og
ani niz’har velovesh gam sveder
ein lach mah lid’og
zeh meyutar hakol beseder
ein lach mah lid’og kan nehedar
mafgizim kehogen
be’emet she’lo chaser davar.

Shilchi li tachtonim vegufiot
kan kulam kvar k’mo chayot
nil’chamim k’mo arayot
moral mamash gavoha
ve’etzleinu bap’lugah
mevakshim k’tzat hafugah
motek lo lishlo’ach li ugah.

Ein lach mah lid’og
po kaytanah ve’osim same’ach
ve’etmol hayah afilu
p’nai lehitkale’ach
ein lach mah lid’og ani yashen
vecholem alaich
kshe’echzor ha’irah nitchaten.

Shilchi li…

Ein lach mah lid’og
ani nimtza bemakom batu’ach
uvein hap’gazah lehap’tzatzah
yesh zman lanu’ach
ein lach mah lid’og
pagaz matok
savlanut yaldonet
be’emet she’ein sibah lid’og.

Shilchi li…


You have nothing to worry about
I’m careful and wear a sweater too
you have nothing to worry about
it’s pointless, everything is alright
you have nothing to worry about it’s wonderful here
bombarding in decent amounts
indeed, not a thing is missing.

Send me underwear and undershirts
here every’s already like animals
fighting like lions
a truly high morale
and in our division
we ask for a bit of a break
sweety, don’t send me a cake.

You have nothing to worry about
There’s a summer camp here and we have fun
and yesterday there was even
time to shower
You have nothing to worry about I’m sleeping
and dreaming of you
when I’ll get back to the city we’ll get married

Send me…

You have nothing to worry about
I’m in a secure place
and between shelling and bombardment
there’s time to rest
You have nothing to worry about
a sweet artillery shell
patience little girl
really there’s no reason to worry.

Send me…

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